
Sue-Lynn Hinson

Portfolio Manager

Cisco Crisis Response

Sue-Lynn Hinson is a grant portfolio manager on Cisco's Crisis Response team, focused on supporting non-profits with early-stage technology-driven initiatives to address issues around food insecurity, access to clean water, inadequate shelter, and disaster relief. Previously she served for ten years on Cisco’s deployment team (formerly known as TacOps) which deploys people and equipment to provide secure IP-based emergency communications solutions for crisis relief and humanitarian agencies; she has worked in the field at several disasters across the globe. A graduate of Cornell University, Sue-Lynn has spent her entire career in technology, working in the aerospace, telecommunications, and computer networking industries. Driven by a strong desire to help those in need, Sue-Lynn also served for 20 years as a volunteer firefighter and Emergency Medical Technician and is currently active with other volunteer disaster response efforts. Her job at Cisco enables her to combine both passions, and leverage technology to help people!


Cisco NGO partner Simprints to advance ethical, inclusive AI for face recognition biometrics

4 min read

Cisco NGO Partner Simprints plans to expand their biometric technology by developing and open sourcing an ethical and inclusive AI Face ID model, helping millions without formal IDs access healthcare and humanitarian aid.

Leveraging technology to empower refugees with secure and equitable access to information, resources, and opportunities

6 min read

In recognition of World Refugee Day, this blog highlights some of Cisco’s amazing partnerships that through early-stage investment by the Cisco Foundation, have enabled these partners to design, validate, replicate, and scale tech-delivered solutions that are driving impact to support refugees, migrants, and internally displaced persons.

How this IoT device from charity: water could advance water access for billions

4 min read

With billions of people around the world relying on hand pumps to get water, nonprofit charity: water developed a device to create more access.

Plentiful: Innovative technology elevates dignity for those experiencing food insecurity

5 min read

Food security remains a serious issue for many Americans. Plentiful offers an online reservation system to access local food pantries, eliminating long wait lines and inconvenient operating hours.